Why Blog?

tom-avatarI used to think that people who had their own blog were narcasistic or at least had an inflated ego. Why would they think that people wanted to hear what they had to say. Well, I suppose this blog is evidence that my thinking has evolved somewhat. Having had a personal web site for nearly 10 years (does this in itself indicate an inflated ego?) I felt that it needed someway to have more interaction between the website (me) and the people who visited it. Actually I have two websites, one is devoted entirely to genealogy (more about that in a later post) and one is just family stuff. I do a lot of volunteer work and on occasion I felt that it would be helpful to have a web presence that addressed that activity. For example, I produce a TV show for the local community access TV station. The show simply records and broadcasts speakers at the Newton Free Library and this results in my interaction with the speakers. I also do web site development, for non-profits here in Newton and for a couple of artist friends. Anyway, I thought that I could build a website that addresses that aspect of my life.

So now, I’m looking at a multifaceted web presence that addresses my interests in 1)Digital media (web sites, video and photography), 2)Genealogy and 3)My personal life, It just seems that this was the time to add a blog to that mix. It’s not important to me that anyone actually read the blog. I think just writing stuff down is a good way to organize your thoughts and to examine the rationale behind those thoughts.

This will be irregular posts about whatever I’m thinking about. Occasionally I will  have posts about genealogy,, my family in particular. Sometimes the posts will be about family events or my personal travels. Sometimes I will want to talk about political events or people. Maybe I’ll have links to other blogs or on-line articles that I find interesting. I suspect that it will evolve overtime or, I’ll just get bored and ignore it. We’ll see.